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General Bots Feature Matrix

Feature CodeCodeDescriptionCategoryStatus
FEAT-01AHEAR variableHears something from the person into a variable for later use.Basic InteractionFUTURE
FEAT-02BTALK messageTalk the specified message to the person.Basic InteractionFUTURE
FEAT-03CWAIT secondsWait a number of seconds before continuing the conversation.Basic InteractionFUTURE
FEAT-04Dconfirm variable (Comming soon)Waits for confirmation and returns true or false.Basic InteractionFUTURE
FEAT-05EHEAR variable AS EMAILHears and validates an email address from the user.Data ValidationFUTURE
FEAT-06FHEAR variable AS DATEHears and validates a date from the user.Data ValidationFUTURE
FEAT-07GHEAR variable AS NAMEHears and validates a name from the user.Data ValidationFUTURE
FEAT-08HHEAR variable AS INTEGERHears and validates an integer from the user.Data ValidationFUTURE
FEAT-09IHEAR variable AS BOOLEANHears and validates a boolean (true/false) from the user.Data ValidationFUTURE
FEAT-10JHEAR variable AS HOURHears and validates an hour from the user.Data ValidationFUTURE
FEAT-11KHEAR variable AS MONEYHears and validates a monetary amount from the user.Data ValidationFUTURE
FEAT-12LHEAR variable AS MOBILEHears and validates a mobile number from the user.Data ValidationFUTURE
FEAT-13MHEAR variable AS ZIPCODEHears and validates a ZIP code from the user.Data ValidationFUTURE
FEAT-14NHEAR variable AS "Abacate", "Maçã", "Morango"Displays the specified menu and waits for user selection.Data ValidationFUTURE
FEAT-15OHEAR variable AS LANGUAGEHears and validates a language code from the user.Data ValidationFUTURE
FEAT-16PHEAR variable AS LOGIN (internal)Waits for Active Directory login integration before proceeding.Data ValidationFUTURE
FEAT-17Qvariable = GET "file.xlsx", "A1:A1"Gets the value of the cell specified in range address.Data HandlingFUTURE
FEAT-18RSET "file.xlsx", "A1:A1", 42Sets the value of the cell specified in range address.Data HandlingFUTURE
FEAT-19Svariable = GET "https://server/query"Gets the value from the specified web service.Data HandlingFUTURE
FEAT-20TPOST "https://", dataSends data to the specified URL.Data HandlingFUTURE
FEAT-21Udata = FIND "sales_data.xlsx", "A1:B10"Finds data in a specified range or file.Data HandlingFUTURE
FEAT-22Vresult = SELECT product, SUM(amount) AS total FROM data GROUP BY productUse SQL to manipulate a data variable returned from FIND or an array.Data HandlingFUTURE
FEAT-23Wfile = data AS IMAGEConverts a two-dimensional array into an image file.Data HandlingFUTURE
FEAT-24Xfile = data AS PDFConverts a two-dimensional array into a PDF file.Data HandlingFUTURE
FEAT-25Ydata = NEW OBJECTCreates a new object to be used with REST calls.Data HandlingFUTURE
FEAT-26Zdata = NEW ARRAYCreates a new array.Data HandlingFUTURE
FEAT-27Afile = QRCODE ""Creates a QR code from specified text.Data Handling
Feature CodeCodeDescriptionCategoryStatus
FEAT-27Afile = QRCODE ""Creates a QR code from specified text.Data HandlingFUTURE
FEAT-28BFORMAT value, formatFormats a value according to the specified format.Data HandlingFUTURE
FEAT-29CADD NOTEAdds a note to a file named Notes.xls of .gbdata.Data HandlingFUTURE
FEAT-30DALLOW ROLECheck if a role specified in People sheet (.gbdata) will have access.Data HandlingFUTURE
FEAT-31Epage = OPEN url [AS #namedSession]Web automation retrieval of a web page, saving the session for reuse.Web AutomationFUTURE
FEAT-32Fvariable = GET page, cssSelectorRetrieves an element within an IFRAME specified by selector.Web AutomationFUTURE
FEAT-33GSET page, cssSelector, valueDefines a field to a value on the webpage specified by selector.Web AutomationFUTURE
FEAT-34HCLICK page, cssSelectorClicks on an element inside the web page being automated.Web AutomationFUTURE
FEAT-35Ifile = DOWNLOAD urlDownloads a file from the specified URL.Web AutomationFUTURE
FEAT-36JHEAR variable AS FILEReturns a file uploaded by the user to be saved.File ManagementFUTURE
FEAT-37KHEAR variable AS AUDIOReturns an audio file uploaded by the user to be saved.File ManagementFUTURE
FEAT-38LINCLUDE fileIncludes a file into .gbdialog.File ManagementFUTURE
FEAT-39MUPLOAD fileUploads a file to a storage blob, like Azure Storage.File ManagementFUTURE
FEAT-40NDIR pathReturns a list of files in the specified directory.File ManagementFUTURE
FEAT-41OFILLFills data into a Word document to be exported as images.File ManagementFUTURE
FEAT-42PSAVE variable AS "path/file"Saves the specified variable as a file at the given path.File ManagementFUTURE
FEAT-43QTABLE name ON connectionDefines a TABLE on the specified storage (database) connection.Advanced OperationsFUTURE
FEAT-44Rfield AS dataTypeDefines a field in TABLE. Eg.: name string(50).Advanced OperationsFUTURE
FEAT-45SCONTINUATION TOKENReturns the value of the continuation token associated with the current dialog.Advanced OperationsFUTURE
FEAT-46TaadToken()Auto-generated variable that contains Azure AD Token useful for calling Microsoft Web Services.Internal Variables and FunctionsFUTURE
FEAT-47USET PARAM name AS valueDefines a retrievable param in the storage in the scope of the user.OptionsFUTURE
FEAT-48VGET PARAM nameReturns a previously user scoped param via SET PARAM from the storage.OptionsFUTURE
FEAT-49WSET HTTP HEADER _key = valueDefines an HTTP header to be used in the next GET call.HTTP AuthenticationFUTURE
FEAT-50XSET HTTP USERNAME = valueDefines the HTTP username to be used in the next GET call.HTTP AuthenticationFUTURE
FEAT-51YSET HTTP PASSWORD = valueDefines the HTTP password to be used in the next GET call.HTTP AuthenticationFUTURE
FEAT-52ZSET HEAR ON "mobile"Sets HEAR options for mobile numbers.OptionsFUTURE
FEAT-53ASET MAX LINES valueDefines the maximum number of lines for output.OptionsFUTURE
FEAT-54BSET SCHEDULE "2 * * * * *"Defines a schedule for periodic tasks.OptionsFUTURE
FEAT-55CSET LANGUAGE valueSets the language for the dialog.OptionsFUTURE
FEAT-56DSET TRANSLATOR [ON or OFF]Turns the translator feature on or off.OptionsFUTURE
FEAT-57ESET WHOLE WORD [TRUE or FALSE]Defines if whole word matching is used.OptionsFUTURE
FEAT-58FSET THEME "dark" or "white" or "blue"Defines the theme for the next content generation (PDF, images, videos, etc.).OptionsFUTURE
FEAT-59GSET OPERATOR [OR]Defines OR operations on multiple FIND filters separated by comma.OptionsFUTURE
FEAT-60HSET FILTER TYPE [comma separated list of types]Uses the specified type in next FIND calls, disabling auto-detection of filter type.OptionsFUTURE
FEAT-61ISET PAGED "auto" or "none"Defines auto paging for HTTP REST GET calls.OptionsFUTURE
FEAT-A7BAny files inside public folder of bot .gbdrive will be accessible in /[botId].gbai/[botId].gbdrive/public

AUTO SAVE .gbdrive public