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.gbkb Reference


Media Types

There are several media types that can be used in .gbkb package folder. The table below shows the description of each one of them:

FolderFile description
tabular.csv, .tsv or any tabular file used as an pair of question/answer and an optional hierarchy.
imagesImages that can be used to enrich the answer to the user in the Projector
videosVideos used to answer questions made by users.
subjectsList of images of subjects that can be trated by the bot.
articlesArticles in .md that will be presented instead of text-only answers.

Presenting Answers

With text

To answer with a text phrase, just type the answer in the Answer column. Whenever the search engine elects the answer as the next thing to say, the text present in this column will be talked.

With an article

A Markdown (.md) file can be used as an answer instead of plain text, so the experience will be more appealing whenever the channel allow the text to be present that way. The answer column specifies the .md file to be presented whenever the question is elected as matching the user intent.

With a video

To display a video on the projector, just provide the Video URL to the desired question, instead of specifing an text answer in the column answer. The list of answers is a series of tabular files (.tsv, .csv, etc.) inside the tabular directory of the .gbkb.

With a Script (PREVIEW)

To call a VBA script stored on a .gbdialog, just specify the script file name in a form of script:<FILENAME> instead of specifing an text answer in the column answer. When someone asks that match the question, the script will be invoked and the answer dialog will be started.

Subject Menu

Associating a Subject Menu Item to a Dialog

To call a dialog just when an answer would provide the desired question, just use dialog:dialogName instead of specifing an text answer.

How To

Updating the Bot Knowledge Base (.gbkb folder)

The subjects.json file contains all information related to the subject tree and can be used to build the menu carrousel as well give a set of words to be used as subject catcher in the conversation. A hierarchy can be specified.

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